We are now booking flu vaccinations for our patients from the 3rd October 2024 we have sent out texts to eligable patients - please call the surgery if you have not received your text .
Routine Appointments with a GP
If you need a routine appointment, you can call the surgery reception and book a routine /telephone consultation with a GP this will be between one and two weeks in advance or you can book a consultation online using the nhs app . If you are unable to wait this length of time please complete an accurx (online consultation), which will allow the practice team to triage your request and handle your query or problem in the most effective time appropriate manner.
Urgent Appointments
For your appointments, you will be asked to complete an online consultation (accurx). This will allow the practice team to triage your request and deal with your query or problem in the most effective time appropriate manner.
The accurx can be completed here or download the NHS app on your smart phone.
Accurx forms are open from 7.30am till 6.30pm daily
If you do not have access to the internet and are over 75 or it is for a child under 5 then please call reception and they will complete an elite for you.This will be triaged the same as an e consult
If you have any questions please contact a member of the reception team who will be happy to answer these.
Appointments with a Practice Nurse
Patients are able to book face-to-face appointments for all procedures ie Dressings, Childhood Immunisations, Smear Tests, B12 Injections, Contraceptive Injections, Ashtma,Diabetes,COPD reviews and certain other injections (not travel) As the guidance is regularly being reviewed and changed, please ask a Receptionist for advice about what services we are currently providing.
You can now request a nurse appointment via our website and a member of our team will contact you with a time and date for your appoinment.
Importance of keeping and cancelling appointments
Every patient has a responsibility to either keep their appointment or to notify the Surgery. If you cannot attend your appointment for any reason please let us know as soon as possible giving at least one hours notice. We can then offer the appointment to another patient.
If you repeatedly fail to attend appointments you may be removed from this practice list and be required to find an alternative doctor.
How to See A Clinician
You may pre-book routine appointments in advance by either:
- Calling into the surgery in person between 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday
- Telephoning the surgery on 0208 301 1766 between 8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday
- Request an appointment using our online services via the NHS APP
We will endeavour to comply with the rights of the patient to express a preference of practitioner but it might not always be possible. If this were to be the case an explanation would be offered.
Telephone or Video Consultations
You may wish to speak to a practitioner on the telephone or video, in which case we ask that you give the Receptionist some details of your request to enable them to assess the urgency of the call.
Urgent Appointments
If you feel you need to be seen urgently, please fill out an econsultation this will be triaged and an appropriate appointment will be made for you.
If you are over 75 or for a child under 5 please call reception and they will complete an elite for you.We ask that you give the receptionist some details of your request.
Patients with urgent problems will be seen or telephoned the same day. However, we cannot guarantee that you will able to see or speak to your usual GP or nurse practitioner.
How are practices working now?
So that the people with greatest need are seen first; and so we don’t ask people to travel and come into contact with unwell and infectious people, you will be assessed to decide who needs:
- to be seen in person by one of the team
- a phone consultation
- a video consultation
- help from a community pharmacy or another health service
How can I contact my GP?
You can contact your GP practice on the phone, via the NHS app for online appointments, or via accurx for emergency appointments
You will then be contacted with the best appointment for you.
If you need help with minor injuries at any time or urgent care when your GP practice or pharmacy is closed visit 111.nhs.uk or dial 111. 111 can also book out of hours appointments.
You can access NHS 111, contact your practice and get your Covid Pass using the NHS App. Search NHS App in your app store.
Why do receptionists ask personal questions?
GP reception staff are skilled professionals and ask questions to make sure you see the right person at the right time and treat all information confidentially. If you don’t want to speak on the phone, where possible fill in an online form on the practice website.
I wanted to see my GP, so why am I seeing someone else?
Many GP practices now include a range of professionals like nurses /paramedics and physician associates. This means you can often be seen more quickly and not need to be seen by lots of different people.
Where else can I get help?
Always dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency.
Visit www.nhs.uk for advice on common symptoms and a list of local services or speak to your community pharmacist first for advice on minor illnesses nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-pharmacy
Please be kind
GPs and hospitals are under enormous pressure, but we are open and here if needed. Please continue to be kind to our staff, socially distance where possible and wear a face mask in healthcare settings.
Abuse of our staff is never acceptable. The NHS Constitution is clear that violence, or the causing of nuisance or disturbance on NHS premises may result in prosecution or people being refused access to NHS services.
Did you know…
We are offering a new approach to improve access for patients to a same-day consultation with a healthcare professional. The aim is to direct patients to the most appropriate person to help them, which may be a GP or a community pharmacist. From October 2022 if your symptoms can be resolved by a booked consultation with the community pharmacist instead of the GP, you will be given a same-day referral to a pharmacy of your choice.
Your consultation may take place on the phone or in person at the pharmacy. We think this is a good thing. We are working closely with your local pharmacist who is a highly trained and skilled clinician, experienced in treating minor illnesses. Once you see how great they are at helping with minor ailments we don’t think you’ll look back.
This will also help us to free up GP appointments for people with more complex health needs and ensure that everyone gets treated at the right time, by the right healthcare professional. You can help us We are keen to hear what you think and will be listening to your comments and feedback about your experience of using this new community pharmacist service.